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TERMS OF TRAINING – Education4Paws

Please make sure you have read and understood the terms and conditions below. Receipt of payment and your booking will be taken as your agreement to the terms and conditions. 


Education4Paws aims to provide advice and treatment/training for the owner to implement with their pet, to assist with the stated issues, where reasonable and within the terms of agreement within the chosen package. Education4Paws make no warranty or representation that any particular result will be brought about as a consequence of providing one or more consultations, treatment, training sessions and/or advice in any form. Whilst Alice aims to support you in these goals, Alice does not offer solutions for any household, relationship or other issues arising from the dog's needs as this remains the owner's responsibility.


Group Classes


Classes are taught by Alice Watts BSc MSc, a professional dog trainer and behaviourist (‘the trainer’) at Education4Paws. Classes are limited to no more than 6 dogs per class so that everyone gets the required attention and support. 
The trainer may refuse to allow entry for a dog at her discretion if the dog is not healthy, aggressive or not deemed suitable for the services provided. Alternative options can be made available. 
Training will use positive reward based methods with no use of aversive equipment such as full check or half check collars, spray collars, anti bark collars or e-collar devices. Should the dog owner currently use one of these on their dog please inform  the trainer and alternative equipment can be discussed.
The dog owner understands they are expected to carry out training beyond the class session and failure to follow the training plan provided may result in a less desired outcome.
Group classes are for teaching new behaviours and not for emotional based sessions such as reactivity, separation related issues, aggressive behaviour etc. unless specifically advertised for these issues. A training session may be able to cover aspects of these behaviours however if the trainer feels this crosses into a behaviour session it will be discussed with the dog owner. If the dog owner feels unsure whether their dog needs a training session or a behaviour session please discuss this with the trainer before enrolling in classes.

PAYMENT – Full payment for the course is required to confirm your place in classes. Enrolment may be transferable to another class or dog at the discretion of the trainer. 

CANCELLATION POLICY/MISSED CLASSES – Education4Paws must be notified of cancellations at least 7 days before the first training session for any transfers or refunds to be considered. Once the training course has commenced, the trainer is unable to refund enrolment fees however credit may be rolled over onto another course, if available, or private sessions, to be used within a 3 month period but this is at the discretion of the trainer. If a dog owner and their dog are unable to attend a session, handouts will be provided covering the content of the class, and phone and email support can be given. Missed classes will not be given in credit at discretion of the trainer. 

FOLLOW ON CLASSES - Follow on classes are paid for in 6 week blocks. If paying for another block, payment will be taken every 6 weeks and is required to confirm your place. No additional signed contract is needed. Missed classes may be given in credit at discretion of the trainer. 

HEALTH - If your pet is showing signs of ill health (such as vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing) or if you have a female dog in season please advise us as soon as possible as you must not attend any appointment or class if this is the case. This also applies to post-operative recovery periods. Our cancellation policy will apply.

REMOVAL FROM TRAINING – Education4Paws reserves the right to terminate the training at any time if the trainer determines that a danger exists to the health and safety of the public, trainer, owner or dog.

CLEANLINESS – Owner is responsible for the removal of excrement and disposing appropriately both inside and outside of the hall and field.

LIABILITY - Whilst every care is taken, the trainer cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury to persons, property or pets during the training session. At no time is the trainer responsible for the actions of the owner, dog or anyone else that accompanies them to class. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure the dog arrives in well fitted equipment to minimise the risk of escape.

VIDEOS/PHOTOS - Photos may be taken by Education4Paws during sessions and used on online platforms related to Education4Paws including in the online newsletter. Please let the trainer know before your first session if you would like to opt out of this.

GDPR - Education4Paws will hold your personal contact details securely in compliance with GDPR guidelines. Alice Watts is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) under the Data Protection Act 2018. A copy of our privacy policy can be seen here


The Class Environment

  • The owner is fully responsible for the behaviour of their dog(s) and any children that attend the class.

  • The trainer accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss or injury that occurs on our premises.

  • The Village Hall is secure however if any training is conducted outside of the village hall in nearby fields or the car park it is the owner's responsibility to ensure your dog is under control and they remain aware of any hazards in the environment including the main road, cows in the nearby field and members of the public and their dogs.

  • The field at Cottam is not fully secure and there are horses in the nearby field, therefore Education4Paws recommends your dog is kept on lead at all times. Education4Paws cannot guarantee that it isn’t possible for a dog to escape. If you choose to let your dog off the lead this is at your own discretion and the trainer cannot accept any liability for anything that may happen.

  • The field may have some uneven ground and may be slippery/muddy when wet so take care when walking or running under foot.

  • The trainer asks that you do not allow your dog to approach other dogs on or off lead unless specifically advised to.


121 Sessions/Behaviour Packages

The 1-2-1 sessions are on a private basis and are tailored to the individual needs of your dog and the goals you have outlined with Alice.

Please make sure to let Alice know if your dog has any health considerations, allergies, food dislikes etc. Please bring plenty of treats that your dog finds highly valuable to your session eg. Chicken, cheese, ham etc. cut to half the size of your little finger nail. We may be going through lots of treats!


  • All of the information you have provided on your enrolment form was correct and to the best of your current knowledge.

  • If you are unable to make your session, notice must be given at least 72 hours in advance or this will result in the loss of your session. Exceptions may be given on discretion of Alice. Cancellations made by myself will not result in the loss of your session and will be rearranged.

  • All training sessions must be used within a 6 month window from the start of the behaviour package/first session in a training package unless agreed otherwise with Alice.

  • Training will use with no use of aversive equipment such as full check or half check collars, spray collars, anti bark collars or e-collar devices. Should you currently use one of these on your dog please inform Alice and we can discuss alternative equipment.

  • I understand that I am expected to carry out training beyond the 1-2-1 session and failure to follow the training plan in place may result in a less desired outcome.

  • 1-2-1 training sessions are for teaching new behaviours and not for emotional based sessions such as reactivity, separation related issues, aggressive behaviour etc. A training session may be able to cover aspects of these behaviours however if this crosses into a behaviour session it will be discussed with you. If you feel unsure whether your dog needs a training session or a behaviour session please discuss this with Alice.

  • Whilst every care is taken, Alice cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury to persons, property or pets during the training session.

  • The owner must disclose information regarding behaviour issues or current/ prior legal issues in relation to your pet(s) including any behaviours seen, any criminal or civil proceedings or ongoing pet insurance claims. Pet behaviour disclosure must include for example: signs of or suspected fear, anxiety, aggression including growling, snapping and/or biting, behaviour towards people including visitors, other dogs, other animals and any other factors. Failure to do so could result in serious harm to your pet, you the owner, your instructor or other members of the public and failure to disclose information may result in legal action from ourselves or others. Education4Paws will not be held liable for any risk if there is a failure to disclose any such or similar issues.

  • It is the owner's responsibility for your dog's behaviour during the session. The owner must understand that they may be liable to prosecution should the dog cause harm to Alice or any member of the public during any of the sessions.

  • The owner understands that it is their responsibility to follow advice from their veterinarian and refusal to do so may result in termination of working with Education4Paws.

  • Education4Paws works as a sole practitioner in conjunction with your Veterinary surgeon’s medical advice and treatment, and/or advice or treatment from paraprofessionals in an unrelated field. Should the owner choose to engage with another party for behaviour or training advice of any kind during the contracted service, immediate termination of our service without refund may be authorised. This is for your pet’s safety and wellbeing since we will not be able to monitor any interventions if multiple advice sources are being sought and implemented. If any agreement to engage with another professional to support the dog is made, this must be openly discussed and agreed to fully, so any advice or treatment does not conflict.

  • The owner may be able to claim the costs from their pet insurance. If their pet insurance does not cover the costs the owner is still liable to pay Education4Paws in full for any services. Education4Paws does not provide ‘direct claims’.

  • I give permission for Alice to discuss my pet with my vet where necessary.

  • I give permission for Alice to discuss my pet with her colleagues where necessary.

  • Complementary email and phone support may be available within your chosen package and it is the owner's responsibility to ensure you can attend or let Alice know if they can’t so we can rearrange. It is the owner's responsibility to keep in touch with Alice to let her know your progress and ask questions when further support is required.

  • Photos may be taken during 1-2-1 sessions and used on online platforms related to Education4Paws including in the online newsletter. Please let Alice know your first session if you would like to opt out of this.

  • Alice at Education4Paws can hold your personal contact details securely in compliance with GDPR guidelines. Alice Watts is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) under the Data Protection Act 2018. A copy of our privacy policy can be seen here​​​​


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